Monday, January 20, 2020

3 Highest Paying Engineering Degrees

There are over 40 dissimilar types of engineering careers in 5 various sub-disciplines. Learn more about the best engineering careers, compare the highest-paid best engineering jobs, view the salary ranges for each engineering career, and find the one that works best for you.

You can consider an online engineering program that currently accepts applicants.

Some of the highest-paying jobs in the world are in engineering. Engineering is widely stared as one of the most lucrative and demanded career options, with multiple disciplines and types of engineering work, as well as salaries that can exceed $ 100,000 a year once the engineer has some knowledge behind them. Engineers tend to earn extra than the national average wage, and some accredited organizations expect this to continue in the future. Engineering titles represent 10 of the 17 highest paid titles at the time of writing.

To become an engineer, you most likely need a degree. If you don't have a degree yet or want to progress with a higher degree than the one you currently have, use our title search engineer to assign it to a program quickly. You can also consult the following schools listed with each race. These are some of our most requested engineering degrees that fit the career, as mentioned earlier, and you can talk to them about how to start your program. Click on a list and request an information package for more details on your engineering program.


The method of creating a list of engineering professions was using the United States. Department of Labor data combined with reports on wages, unemployment, and career prospects from reputable sources such as universities, US News, Forbes Magazine & World Report, and leading engineering associations such as the National Society of Expert Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Best Paid Engineering Jobs The median starting salary for petroleum engineers is $ 74,240, with a career salary of $ 132,320 and for experienced petroleum engineers who earn approximately $ 186,520. Industry groups anticipate that many employees will retire in the next ten years as global energy requirements increase. The demand for petroleum engineers predicted to exceed the number of people trained to fill available positions, increasing the demand.
Internationally and nationally, this demand will advance the careers and salaries of petroleum engineers. There are many degrees for those wishing to study petroleum engineering, including online training.


Electrical engineering New electrical engineering engineers receive a median starting salary of $ 57,330.
Many electrical engineering tasks include designing, testing, and monitoring the manufacture of electrical devices, but some electrical engineering tasks include creating electronic circuit diagrams for commercial and personal use.
For the rest of the decade, employment growth in these areas expects to be around 6%, which is below average.


The average starting salary for a hardware engineer is $ 63,970. This is a relatively new area of ​​engineering, and some sources indicate that there are not enough computer engineers to meet demand, while other sources claim that computer engineers' employment growth will be below the national average. If schools produce more computer engineers, employment growth can slow down. A computer engineer can expect to make $ 101,000 in the middle of his career. In addition to computer and software engineering, data engineering also appears. Sometimes data science courses are combined with engineering or computer science courses because the course results overlap.
Most technological breakthroughs come from software development, not hardware. Don't forget that, either.

Top 4 Highest Paid Engineering Degrees

There are over 40 dissimilar types of engineering careers in 5 various sub-disciplines. Learn more about the best engineering careers, compare the highest-paid engineering jobs, view the salary ranges for each engineering career, and find the one that works best for you.

You can consider an online engineering program that currently accepts applicants.
Some of the highest paid engineering jobs in the world are in engineering. Engineering is widely stared as one of the most lucrative and demanded career options, with multiple disciplines and types of engineering work, as well as salaries that can exceed $ 100,000 a year once the engineer has some knowledge behind them. Engineers tend to earn extra than the national average wage, and some accredited organizations expect this to continue in the future. Engineering titles represent 10 of the 17 highest paid titles at the time of writing.

To become an engineer, you most likely need a degree. If you don't have a degree yet or want to progress with a higher degree than the one you currently have, use our title search engineer to assign it to a program quickly. You can also consult the following schools listed with each race. These are some of our most requested engineering degrees that fit the career, as mentioned earlier, and you can talk to them about how to start your program. Click on a list and request an information package for more details on your engineering program.


Aerospace Engineering: A new ex-student with a degree in aerospace engineering can expect an entry-level salary of approximately $ 65,450 ¹. Given the cuts in space research, the Department of Labor expects the need for aerospace engineers to increase by 5% in the coming years, a slower pace than the average job market. The salary for an aerospace engineer at mid-career is $ 103,720.
Estimated wages in aerospace engineering
Starting salary: $ 65,450
Career salary: $ 103,720


The median for chemical engineers is approximately $ 94,000. Chemical engineers generally employed in manufacturing and research. They work not only for chemical enterprises but also in the construction of electronics, clothing, paper, medicines, and food, to name a little.
Chemical engineers can improve their careers, from manufacturing plants to technical sales and corporate governance. The chemical engineering market expected to be relatively stable over the next few years. However, job growth is closely related fields such as biomedical engineering is likely to be much faster than usual job growth, according to the United States Department of Labor. A mid-career income of $ 109,000 is the average.

Estimated salaries for chemical engineers
Starting salary: $ 58,830
Career salary: $ 154,840


Materials Engineering The average starting salary for a materials engineer is $ 52,900.
Material engineers work on the development and testing of materials for the manufacture of industrial and consumer goods as well as for working with metals and substances and understand the mutual uses in consumer goods.
By 2020, employment growth for a position as a materials technician expects to be around 9%. $ 85,150.


Best Paid Engineering Jobs The median starting salary for petroleum engineers is $ 74,240, career salary is $ 132,320, and an experienced petroleum engineer salary is $ 186,520¹. Industry groups anticipate that many employees will retire in the next ten years as global energy requirements increase. The demand for petroleum engineers predicts to exceed the number of people trained to fill available positions, increasing the demand.
Internationally and nationally, this demand will advance the careers and salaries of petroleum engineers. There are several degrees for those wishing to study petroleum engineering, including online training.