Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Aware of what your data is on the internet


Third part of the series of articles "What does the internet recognise approximately me?", Contributed by way of José Arroyo , with the intention of informing you about special methods of discovering which statistics of yours may be public at the net without you being aware that they may be there. In the primary element we talk about statistics leaks (specially your private records). Continuing with the equal dynamics, we proportion a realistic laboratory  showing you more strategies so that you can confirm that your data is unfastened on the internet.

Can you find out the downloads I do?

The downloads made through the BitTorrent protocol can be public on the Internet, this protocol uses a p2p machine for report change, in order that your laptop also becomes the source of the file you're downloading to serve it to different users. The entire corporation and connections are managed via a server known as a tracker.

By registering all connections in the tracker, until you use a private tracker, everyone can recognize what is being downloaded from an IP address.

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